
Posts Tagged ‘Mayfly’

Tricorythodes (Tricos)

tricoTricos often are one of the heavier hatches during the summer months.  I have seen trico hatches lasting from 9:30 until 12:00 where every brook trout in the stream was out feeding on them. If you have ever experienced a hatch such as this you would know that there are so many fish rising it is hard to pic which one to cast too! When the tricos are emerging it is fairly easy to catch fish (if you can see your fly) When i fish the emerging tricos i usually use a size 24 parachute pattern.  It gets slightly harder when the fish start to take the spinners because there are so many on the water the trout just start to porpoise when eating them. When that happens you need to select the fish to cast to and then time it so your fly goes over him when he rises. Because there are so many trico spinners in the water when the fish rises he usually gets a few Trico spinners!

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